The star of the new TLC reality TV series She’s in Charge is Veronica-Pooh Nash-Poleate. In the premiere episode “Pooh to the Rescue,” the Georgia school guidance counselor meets with two families who need her help. Pooh is known for dishing out “common sense” advice like “the stricter the parents, the sneakier the child” — and “spreading love every step of the way.”
[Left: Stream JAWS if you want shark action]
Veronica-Pooh has two degrees (in education and psychology) but it was her video about sharks that launched Pooh’s TV career. She filmed the video “Stay Outta the Shark’s House” while driving to church after she heard about a shark attack in the ocean. If you go into the shark’s house (the ocean), you can expect to get eaten, is the gist. Pooh posted the video on Facebook and it was viewed more than 15 million times. After that Pooh made a video called “They don’ killed the wrong bear,” among others. She’s In Charge airs Tuesdays at 10pm on TLC.