In the Scorpion episode “The Fast & The Nerdiest,” while Sylvester (Ari Stidham) competes on “The Price is Right,” Cabe (Robert Patrick) gets the team to infiltrate a car-smuggling operation that’s about to ship bioweapons to South America. Cabe got a tip from his old friend Mick. Cabe tells the team the story of when Mick came to Cabe’s defense when he was 13. Mick beat up an older kid who lost his eye. Mick went to juvy. When he got out he was a criminal. That said, “Mick’s always been straight with me.”
Mick is portrayed by Eric Roberts. The Oscar nominated actor is best known for his roles in the films The Pope of Greenwich Village (Paulie), King of the Gypsies (Dave), Star 80 (Paul Snider), The Coca-Cola Kid (Becker), and Runaway Train (Buck McGeehy, the supporting actor role for which he was nominated for an Academy Award). Roberts is also recognized for his roles on Suits (Charles Forstman), The Young and the Restless (Vance Abrams), Heroes (Thompson), and Less Than Perfect (Will Butler), among many others. He is the brother of actress Julia Roberts and father of Emma Roberts. Scorpion airs Mondays at 9pm on CBS.