The Lifetime movie Terror in the Woods is inspired by true events. In the movie, two quiet 12-year-old girls, Rachel (Ella West Jerrier) and Kaitlyn (Sophie Grace), discover a fictional character online. He’s name is “Suzerian” and he’s a clawed monster who lures kids into the woods. The girls believe Suzerain is real and will hurt their families if they don’t do what he says. When the girls decide to provide a human sacrifice to Suzerain, their friend Emily (Skylar Morgan Jones), they stab her with a pair of scissors. Miraculously, Emily survives.
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Kaitlyn’s father Nathan is portrayed by Drew Powell. He’s known for his roles on Gotham (Solomon Grundy), Ray Donovan (Gary O’Malley), The Mentalist (Reede Smith), and Malcom in the Middle (Drew), among others. Kaitlyn’s mother Dani is portrayed by Angela Kinsey (Angela on The Office). Terror in the Woods premieres on Lifetime on Sunday, October 14 at 8pm.