In the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episode “Fashionable Crimes,” a young model named Sally claims she was raped by famous fashion photographer Alvin Gilbert (Fisher Stevens). When Benson arrives at the Gilbert studio to serve him, the photographer calls Sally “a little bitch” and claims she tried to shake down his assistant. Alvin turns to his business partner and brother Benno Gilbert (Griffin Dunne) to get him out of trouble.
Molly is portrayed by real life fashion model (see below) Virginia “Ginny” Gardner. As an actress she’s known for her roles on How to Get Away with Murder (Molly), The Goldbergs (Lexy Bloom), Glee (Marissa), and Hart of Dixie (Young Lemon). Gardner will appear in two comedic films this summer — Good Kids with Ashley Judd and Little Bitches with Jennette McCurdy. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit airs Wednesdays at 9pm on NBC.
??:Actress @GinnsGardner in @MaximMag wearing our Dream Angels Push-Up!
— Victoria’s Secret (@VictoriasSecret) March 3, 2016