Hey you, David Gilmour is done. He’s ticked away all the moments that make up dull days leading Pink Floyd — he’ll fritter and waste the hours no more. With Gilmour stepping away from Floyd, the closest thing left on the scene to a progressive rock star is Bernie Sanders. After 48 years Gilmour, who led the legendary prog rock giant Pink Floyd through walls and over the Moon, will presumably just have a cigar. (He now surely knows the name of the game, boy.)
[David Gilmour’s Wife Leaks Pink Floyd’s New Title “The Endless River”]
Gilmour has feuded with former bandmate Roger Waters over the years, and the Pink Floyd name has long teetered near extinction. But this time it’s over. “It has run its course. We are done. And it would be fakery to go back and do it again.” The decision leaves millions of fans stuck in a future with nothing to say but Wish You Were Here. Pink Floyd released its final album — the obviously misnamed The Endless River — last year.