White Wash is a documentary film that explores the complexity of race in America through the struggle and triumph of black surfers. Director Ted Woods (white) and producer Airrion Copeland (black) traveled to Hawaii, Jamaica, Florida and California to interview black surfers like pro Rob Machado who, as kids, were told to “stop trying to be white.” Historians, professors and authors relate myths of “the white boy sport” with Jim Crow 1960s footage of policemen standing in the ocean, forming a barrier to block black youth from swimming and surfing where white youth frolicked. White Wash is narrated by Grammy winner Ben Harper. Music by The Roots. The Center for Contemporary Art in Sacramento is screening the film Feb 9-24, 2013.
Producer Airrion Copeland is riding the wave by working on a thriller. Due in December 2013,“Scream at the Devil” is about a female artist who suffers from schizophrenia but refuses to take her meds and then believes Satan speaks to her in church. We’re interested in seeing how close it comes to portraying other artists we know.