In the Limitless episode “The Assassination of Eddie Morra,” Brian Finch (Jake McDorman) is ordered to sabotage the FBI’s investigation into the murder attempt on Senator Edward Morra (Bradley Cooper) — in order to prevent exposing the senator’s connection to NZT. The assassin is a gorgeous blonde named Piper.
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Piper is portrayed by Georgina Haig. Americans will recognize the Australian-born actress from Once Upon a Time (Elsa), Reckless (Lee Anne Marcus), and Fringe (Henrietta Bishop). Haig most recently appeared in the Syfy TV mini-series Childhood’s End as Annabel Stormgren. After filming the Limitless episode, Haig tweeted: “I learnt many lessons in 2015. I never thought assembling a 14 pound sniper rifle would be one of them.” Limitless airs Tuesdays at 10pm on CBS.
I don’t know why they keep giving a gun to an Australian.
— Georgina Haig (@GeorginaHaig) January 4, 2016