When not filming a big Hollywood movie, actress Zoe Saldana often models for fashion magazines including Vogue. For the famous magazine’s Mexican edition, Saldana made the “In the Bag” video below which captures her emptying her purse.
Saldana pulls out a brown leather journal that her husband gave her (and with a handwritten poem on the first page), her phone which is adorned with stickers of “titties,” her Kindle, her Ray Ban sunglasses, and a sample of Carnal Flower perfume because as Saldana says with a big eye roll, “because I always think I stink.” She says Carnal Flower “has been my scent for many many years.”
Get ready to see more of Saldana: she will appear next on the big screen in James Cameron’s Avatar 2 which will be released in December 2022. Avatar 3 will be out in December 2023, and Avatar 4 in 2026.
In between those, you can watch Saldana as Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which will be released in May 2023.