When not on a TV or movie set, actress Jessica Alba (LA’s Finest, Fantastic Four) is promoting her lifestyle company Honest or spending time with her family… or both. When she shared the BTS video below, of her, her husband Cash and their three children posing in matching pajamas for their annual holiday card, she wrote: “BTS realness of our holiday PJ shoot.”
The gorgeous and talented actress and mom of three also pointed out: “Haven’s face when told we have another outfit change — such a mood.” Below is the final product!
Note: you can get those Honest pjs, too. The new festive print pajamas are 100% organic cotton and just made the 2021 list of Oprah’s Favorite Things. The Fam Jams featured in the photos above are called Pajama Chic. Other designs include Feelin’ Pine and Falling Snowflakes.
They also wore matching Halloween costumes this year!