The ultimate reality game show The Amazing Race is back for Season 32. After traveling one million miles since the show started (in 2001), the show is kicking off this season from the legendary Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, where viewers at home get to meet the 11 pairs of contestants who are vying for the $1 million prize.
One of the teams is comprised of two former NFL football players: 5’9″ running back DeAngelo Williams and 6’6″ tight end Gary Barnidge. They played for five years together with the Carolina Panthers.
After retiring from the NFL, in 2017, DeAngelo and Gary dove into the world of professional wrestling. In their debut with Impact Wrestling, together they famously “saved Moose from an attack.” See clip above. Moose is the ring name for 6’5″ former NFL player Quinn Ojinnaka who found success as a pro wrestler. He was named the 2017 GWF Heavyweight Champion.
The Amazing Race airs Wednesdays at 9 pm on CBS. [NOTE: Stream any CBS show through Amazon Prime or CBS ALL-ACCESS. Both options offer free trials.]