What should have been a clear OMG Kate Beckinsale you are amazing! moment turned into a comment section fracas — predictably. But then the haters are everywhere and Kate Beckinsale took the bait. In her case it worked — fans got behind her trolling her troll.
Rule #1 is don’t reply to the haters; Rule #2 of course is don’t always use Rule #1. Beckinsale saw a comment accusing her of having a “midlife crisis” and took offense, responding: “oh ! I think that’s because you’re an annoying a—hole.” Touche!
That said, anyone with eyes can understand the envy Here is one of the world’s most gorgeous women, standing on one of the world’s most gorgeous beaches with legs longer than the New York City marathon.
The movie star in this position is a deserving target of a little envy, especially from a follower staring at his phone waiting in line for donuts or some such.
That’s why there is Rule #1. Even if people side with the celeb, and hard as it is, fame experts advise it’s probably better to let the envy be. If for no other reason than there is bound to be so much of it, you can’t respond to it all.