In the Timeless episode “The Kennedy Curse,” a mission goes awry and Wyatt (Matt Lanter) and Rufus (Malcolm Barrett) are forced to bring a 17-year-old John F. Kennedy (guest star Grant Jordan) with them to the present. They yanked the future president from his boarding school in 1934. Homeland Security agent Denise Christopher, who’s in charge of the Lifeboat team, is not pleased to see Kennedy in the bunker. Wait until he escapes and finds himself in modern day San Francisco!
[Check out Jaffery in Mr. Robot]
Denise Christopher is portrayed by Sakina Jaffery. She’s known for her roles on Homeland (Dr. Meyer), Mr. Robot (Antara Nayar), The Mindy Project (Mindy’s mom Sonu Lahiri), Sleepy Hollow (Sheriff Leena Reyes), House of Cards (Linda Vasquez), and Third Watch (Dr. Hickman), among others. Timeless airs Sundays at 10pm on NBC.