In the new FOX series 24: Legacy, Army Ranger Sergeant Eric Carter returns to the U.S. from Yemen after killing a terrorist leader. Now the leader’s army has declared a fatwah against Carter and his fellow Army Rangers (and their families) on U.S. soil.
Carter is portrayed by Corey Hawkins. The 28-year-old actress from Washington, D.C. is known for his roles on The Walking Dead (Heath), and in the films Straight Outta Compton (Dr. Dre) and Romeo and Juliet with Orlando Bloom and Condola Rashad (Tybalt), among others. Hawkins will appear next on the big screen in Kong: Skull Island with Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Hiddleston and Brie Larson (in theaters March 10). 24: Legacy premieres Sunday, February 5 at 10:30pm on FOX.