On Undercover Boss, United Real Estate Group CEO Dan Duffy goes undercover at his real estate services and franchise holding company to check in on the ground floor — so to speak. Based on Duffy’s resume, he was born to wear a suit. After graduating from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business, he got his MBA from Northwestern University. Immediately after earning his MBA he landed his first CEO job in the summer of 2000 at ePartners in Dallas. After that he headed to United where he’s been CEO ever since.
On Undercover Boss, in order for Dan to become “Simon,” he’s given a Dead Head disguise – tie-dye t-shirt, beaded choker necklace and an unruly head of hair. With Dan’s deep voice, he totally pulls it off. “I don’t think Simon knows what day it is,” says one employee. The real challenge Dan/Simon faces is showing a house. “Last time I showed a house – oh, I know – was never,” says Dan/Simon. Undercover Boss airs Fridays at 9pm on CBS.