The HBO movie Confirmation tells the complex story of Anita Hill (Kerry Washington), the University of Oklahoma law professor who accused 1991 Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas (Wendell Pierce) of sexual harassment. Thomas denied the allegations and called the Senate hearing a “high tech lynching.” Thomas’ second wife, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, sat behind her husband as he testified before Joe Biden (Greg Kinnear) and Ted Kennedy (Trent Williams). Twenty years after Thomas’ confirmation, Mrs. Thomas called Hill and left a message asking Hill to apologize. Hill did not.
In Confirmation, Virginia Thomas is portrayed by Alison Wright. The English-born actress is known for her roles on The Americans (Martha Hanson), Blue Bloods (Brijita Holden), and in the film The Nanny Diaries (Bridget). Wright will appear next on the big screen in the drama, The Accountant starring Ben Affleck and Anna Kendrick. Confirmation will premiere on HBO on April 16 at 8pm.