On the Survivor: Kaôh Rong — Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty episode “It’s Merge Time,” two tribes merge which leads to new alliances. The merge is a pivotal moment in the game for the players. It’s now a more individual contest. One of the most individual players is Debbie Wanner — originally of Team Brains. When asked what has surprised her the most, now watching the season unfold on TV, Wanner compared the competition to Supreme Court decisions.
[This $15 tiger swimsuit is similiar to Debbie’s on Survivor]
She told EW: “There is a very popular saying ‘perception is truth.’ It’s often over-stimulated my pre-frontal cortex how intelligent, logical people see a situation with diametrically opposed viewpoints. Just look at how Supreme Court issues are resolved; 5 to 4 splits.” Survivor airs Wednesdays at 8pm on CBS.