L.A. Clippers Dance Squad is the new reality TV show that follows the 20 beautiful young dancers chosen to be a part of the L.A. Clippers Dance Squad. On the series premiere, the squad’s new creative director Petra Pope announces the names of the 20. The first name she calls is Athena Perample.
Athena — the talented Traverse City West Senior High School graduate from Michigan — steals the show. But she doesn’t win the hearts of the other dancers — not yet anyway. When her name was called first, Athena says: “I’m definitely feeling some hate.” She adds: “Even though all the girls expected me to make it, deep down I wasn’t sure.” That kind of false modesty doesn’t sit well with the other dancers including Natalie of North Hollywood, CA who says, “there’s just something about her [Athena] that’s off.” L.A. Clippers Dance Squad airs Tuesdays at 10pom on E!