Actress Parineeti Chopra and her Kill Dil co-stars Ranveer Singh and Ali Zafar have taken to the streets of New Delhi, India with spray paint. They’re out tagging walls with graffiti to promote their new film Kill Dil which will be released on Friday, November 14.
Chopra’s last film Daawat-d-Ishq didn’t do so well at the box office, so it’s ballsy of her to tell reporters that she “wont’ entertain any boring questions” when it comes to promoting Kill Dil. When BollywoodLife had the opportunity to speak with Chopra, interviewer Namrata Thakker tread lightly. It worked — Chopra answered all of her questions and revealed that Kill Dil is her “filmiest film.” Chopra also said that “out of 100 percent, 90 percent times I am misquoted.”