Before landing the role of Hope van Dyne in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, beginning with the original 2015 Ant-Man movie with Paul Rudd at the titular superhero and Michelle Pfeiffer as her mother (below), Evangeline Lilly was also known for her roles in the 2008 war film The Hurt Locker and as archer Tauriel in The Hobbit film franchise.
But the role that launched Lilly’s career was as Kate Austen on the popular sci-fi ABC series Lost (2004-2010), for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe Award.
When Lilly recently turned 44 years old, she celebrated with the throwback photos below, of her 24-year-old self on Lost.
Lilly wrote: “I started on the show LOST when I was 24-years-old. I was cock-sure and full of gun-powder. I just turned 44 and life has had it’s way of humbling me and mellowing me out. These photos feel like a lifetime ago and a different person. I feel excited for what this next ‘lifetime’ – my next twenty-years – will bring.”
Lilly’s fans are going wild over the LOST photos. As one fan replied, “‘We have to go back’ button >>>>>>>.” That’s a reference to the memorable scene below, between Lilly’s character Kate and Jack (Matthew Fox, Party of Five).
LOST ended 13 years ago (in 2010, after its sixth season) and yet fans (“losties” or “lostaways”) still talk about its influence. As one fan replied after re-watching the “We have to go back” scene above: “It captures a universal feeling of regret and longing for a moment in time that’s passed. I think about it often.”
Fun fact about LOST: it was inspired by the 2000 Tom Hanks film Cast Away.