The CBS reality TV competition series Tough as Nails is back for its fifth season. On the Season 5 premiere (July 2), host Phil Keoghan welcomes 12 new “everyday Americans who consider the calluses on their hands a badge or honor” who will compete against each other “in the real world.”
For the first time in Tough as Nails history, the show filmed in the Canadian “Steeltown” of Hamilton, Ontario.
One of the 12 competitors is Carolina Paredes. She described her month filming Tough as Nails as “a tough competition; building cool things, sweating and laughing.”
When not welding or “building beautiful things,” Carolina is often modeling a bikini, as seen above and below. Be sure to swipe the photos below to get a full-length view of that tiny string bikini.
As in past seasons, one by one, competitors will be eliminated until the Tough as Nails winner is named, but nobody will go home.
Even after they “punch out” of the individual competition, they will have the opportunity to win additional prizes in the team competitions that continue throughout the season.
The two-hour Season 5 premiere of Tough as Nails airs Sunday, July 2 at 8 pm ET on CBS.