In the Lifetime movie Married to a Murderer, a beautiful woman named Emma (Anna Hutchison) marries a wealthy man named Ted Taylor (Austin Arnold). Everything seems great until Ted’s twin brother Frank (Austin’s real life twin brother Aaron Arnold) shows up and casts a creepy shadow. Frank was in a traumatic motorcycle accident and continues to suffer from blackouts which trigger his jealousy of Ted.
[Anna Hutchison was Sarah in The Cabin in the Woods with Chris Hemsworth]
Real life twin brothers Aaron Arnold and Austin Arnold who are playing Ted and Frank have played twin brothers before — most recently in a short comic film written by Austin called Papua. It’s about the secrets revealed when twin brothers (who have the last name Papua) visit their dying father. The comedy won Best Short at the 2017 Nevada International Film Festival. Fun fact: Austin and Aaron Arnold were also in Katy Perry’s 2017 futuristic music video “Chained to the Rhythm” (featuring Skip Marley). The Arnold brothers played the spacemen. See below. Married to a Murderer premieres on Lifetime on Saturday, August 18 at 8pm.