In the Hallmark Channel movie Campfire Kiss, first-time camper Dana (Danica McKellar) takes her teenage son Arthur (Dylan Kingwell) camping in an effort to bond. When Dana discovers a bear in her tent, she and Arthur meet their neighbors – single dad Steve and his teenage daughter Lacey (Ali Skovbye). The mother and father clash at first (she’s overly protective, he’s not) and then fall in love.
Steve is portrayed by Paul Greene. The Canadian-born actor has appeared in several Hallmark movies including A Perfect Wedding with Danica McKellar. Greene is also recognized for his roles on Bitten (Philip McAdams) and Wicked Wicked Games with Oscar winner Tatum O’Neal (Benjamin Gray). Campfire Kiss premieres on Saturday, March 18 at 8pm on Hallmark Channel. It will air again March 19 at 7pm, March 25 at 7pm, March 26 at 1pm, April 8 at 3pm, and April 30 at 5pm.