This time around for Michelle Obama it’s a goodbye tour. She’s done what she could to inspire people to work out and eat healthy. She’s survived the White House and raised her daughters to be young adults, almost ready for college. Obama, like her husband, would like to see Hillary Clinton win the White House next — it’d be good for the country, she believes, and a Dem succession is part of Barack Obama‘s presidential legacy. If it goes the other way, his reputation will suffer.
But the First Lady is both campaigning for Clinton and signing off. She’s always been a private person and looks forward to returning to that role, she says. Of course, she’ll need new friends if she wants to lower her visibility. The Obamas are known to pal around with Jay Z and Beyonce, not exactly low-wattage people. Then again, maybe they really are — deep down. Asked by Stephen Colbert about her friendship with the Lemonade singer, Obama called Beyonce a “low key lady.” You know, like all your other low key friends that sing at the Super Bowl…
“[Beyonce]’s a sweetheart,” the First Lady said. “She’s smart, she’s creative, she loves her family … she’s a low-key lady, we have a lot in common. Except I can’t sing, I can’t dance.”