“The Spymasters – CIA in the Crosshairs” is a documentary featuring interviews with 12 of the CIA directors including President George H. W. Bush, Robert Gates, George Tenet, Leon Panetta, David Petraeus and John Brennan, among others. It originally broadcast on Showtime in the fall. It has since been updated by CBS’ 48 Hours “to include recent events.” In February 2016, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said that he would “bring back waterboarding.” Former CIA director Michael Hayden says in Spymasters: “If some future president is going to decide to waterboard, he better bring his own bucket because he’s going to have to do it himself.” Hayden added, “The agency is not going to do this again.”
“48 Hours Presents: The Spymasters – CIA in the Crosshairs” will air on Saturday, May 21 at 9pm on CBS. It is narrated by Homeland star Mandy Patinkin who plays Saul Berenson, Acting Director of the CIA in season 3.