The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Deadly Double Cross (originally titled Precious Things) is Lisa Mitchell (Victoria Pratt). When her teen daughter Amber (Sarah Fisher) is accused of murdering her older boyfriend, Lisa sets out to prove her innocence.
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In October 2019, Canadian-born actress Victoria Pratt, 49, married American country music star Trace Adkins, 58. Trace is also known for winning Donald Trump’s reality game show The All Star Celebrity Apprentice in 2013. Adkins raised $1.5 million for the American Red Cross.
Adkins’s new single “Just the Way We Do It” is on his new EP, “Ain’t That Kind of Cowboy,” which will be released on October 16.
Deadly Double Cross premieres on Lifetime Movie Network (LMN) on Friday, October 2 at 8 pm.