Social superstar, businesswoman and influencer Kylie Jenner shared a “girls night out” photo — and we’re not even sure the “girls” she’s talking about are other female human beings. In the photo she shared, Kylie is just so much woman that a few fans suggested she could be a girls night out all by herself.
Whatever she means, Kylie certainly looks ready. Model Olivia Pierson wrote simply “So bomb” with a bunch of fire.
That is quite some set of wheels behind her, too — a brand new Rolls Royce with its headlights illuminated. (A $500,000 Rolls Royce Phantom, seems like.) Yet Kylie outshines the car no matter how high its halogen gets.
As always Kylie is impeccably dressed. (As always, when she is dressed, that is — sometimes she’s just barely covered.) This time in a body-hugging sweater and cool high-waisted pants. But here Kylie looks stunning and cunning, her stare either an invitation or a stern warning. Beauty — and much else apparently — is in the eye of the beholder.
Warning or invitation?
Again: Warning or invitation?