TLC’s reality TV show The Unexpected follows teenage couples who have recently had children or are pregnant with another baby. On Season 3, McKayla is having another baby while Chloe, 17, worries about her boyfriend Max, the 19-year-old father of her baby, who might be sent to prison.
In the sneak peek video above, Max is seen at a therapy session with his father. Max tells the therapist “I was addicted to pain killers.” When he says, “I’m not currently taking them,” his father interrupts and says, “You did two days ago, Max.”
Chloe tells Max that if he does go to jail, “I’m not going to wait for you.” Either Max didn’t go to jail or Chloe did wait for him because based on her Instagram account, the young couple are still together…
The Unexpected airs Sundays at 10 pm on TLC. [BONUS: TLC GO App found here lets you stream any TLC show. Download is FREE.]