“Drop the full body pic,” her fans beg. But Draya Michele drips her drip out in stages, slow and tantalizing. She knows. The chainmail bra top pics are only waist up, but she delivers three versions on the scroll. Each pic a little different, each a little more — the final one she stares the onlooker down. What are you looking at? she seems to ask. But she knows.
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Then there’s Draya’s fuschia pajamas shot, which is just about perfect in its corner-of-the-hotel room intimacy. Draya is also using gram for personal business. She’s not just telling people who styled her and who hooked her up with the hot pjs, working the influencer gig, she’s promoting her new nail spot — The Brand Nails is now open.
And then this little hypnotizing bikini shot that has fans mesmerized and even pledging to exercise!
And doing the dress thing, basically saying I don’t need a bikini to rock you.