So whatever clinic Britney Spears checked herself into does a pretty nice job of getting people back on their feet. Or in Spears’s case, back on her hands. Because Spears can evidently easily walk on both her hands and her feet. And since Spears’s whole M.O. in life is to just keep walking no matter what happens, it’s gotta be helpful that when her feet won’t do her right, the pop star icon can just flip over and still keep going.
Of course millions of people have watched Spears’s exercise routine, where she also performs a one-arm plank and some enviable stretches. And all to the Cardi B and Bad Bunny’s cut “I Like It” — which thrusts a hip hop edge atop music that wouldn’t be out of place on the Buena Vista Social Club album. Spears’s impressive 19 seconds of walking on her hands, which takes her out of the frame and might have been longer in the uncut video, falls a little shy of the record. The world record for walking on hands is held by Sarah Chapman of the UK, who walked a distance of 16,404 ft on her hands in an 8-hour period at Glastonbury, Somerset, UK, on 3 June 2002.