Happy Together is the new CBS sitcom about young British heartthrob pop star Cooper James (Felix Mallard). When his break-up with his girlfriend becomes media fodder, he runs to the suburban home of his ordinary accountant Jake (Damon Wayans, Jr.) to hide from the paparazzi. Jake and his wife Claire welcome him into their home although they have a hard time keeping up with Cooper’s amazing lifestyle.
Wayans isn’t the only star with a famous dad. Claire is portrayed by Amber Stevens West, daughter of radio announcer Shadoe Stevens* and model Beverly Cunningham (see photo below). West is known for her roles on Ghosted (Annie), The Carmichael Show (Jerrod’s girlfriend Maxine), Criminal Minds (Joy), and Greek (Ashleigh Howard), among others. The Beverly Hills High School graduate is also recognized for her roles in the films 22 Jump Street (Maya) and The Amazing Spider-Man (Ariel). Fun fact: Stevens made her debut on the big screen in the 2006 film The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift as a cheerleader. Happy Together airs Mondays at 8:30pm on CBS, right after The Neighborhood and right before Magnum P.I.
*Shadoe Stevens (born Terry Keith Ingstad) was the host of American Top 40 from 1988 to 1995. He also helped to create three L.A. stations: KRLA, KROQ-FM, and KMET-FM.