The Dateline NBC episode “Missing Marie,” tells the story of Marie Singleton-Jackson. The 33-year-old communications analyst with the CIA was last seen alive on November 11, 1994. Five days later her body was discovered in the truck of her car, which was impounded. She had been strangled to death. Her former US Marine husband, Andre Jackson, was the prime suspect but police didn’t have enough evidence to charge him. The FBI also investigated the murder due to Singleton-Jackson’s position in the intelligence community.
Years later, in 2008, after a DNA match was made, Andre Jackson was found in Tempe, Arizona and arrested. Marie’s family pleaded with Jackson to admit his guilt, as did the Deputy District Attorney John Lewin. Lewin said if Jackson had pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter he would had gotten an 11-year sentence. But Jackson never admitted his guilt. In 2012, Jackson was found guilty of murdering his wife and was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. Dateline NBC airs Fridays at 10pm on NBC.