Bodybuilder Brett Azar doesn’t just impersonate Arnold Schwarzenegger in the new Terminator Genisys, Azar plays a version of Arnold Schwarzegger from 1984. Because in the new movie Arnold fights his old 1984 Terminator self, and Azar is that man — thanks to some magical CGI.
And while it can’t be said Azar’s a “lover not a fighter,” he’s not limited to conflict. He’s capable of affection — Azar’s body gets together with the young Sarah Connor, too. Azar is 28 years old. Schwarzenegger, born in 1947, was 37 in 1984. Azar’s not only dedicated, he’s got a great attitude. As he writes on his Facebook page: “Always have fun with life….” Of course the bodybuilder in him adds the hashtag “#conquer.”