Chelsea Handler is on a hot streak. She’s all over the place–looking good, making money and getting laughs. Andy Richter, the hilarious actor who also plays sidekick to Conan O’Brien, thinks he knows why. In a single zinger that busted up both Conan and his guest, Richter implies Handler may have made a deal with the devil. Satan usually comes for souls, but it’s Handler’s heart that’s in question–according to Richter.
The svelte beautiful Chelsea–who has admitted to hiding her looks early in her career to be taken seriously as a comedian–lobbed a half-ass fat joke at the, um, less svelte Andy Richter. Do you like to go in the ocean, she asked, before looking his ample body up and down and saying “do you float a lot in the ocean?” Well, sure, he replied. “Do you sink?” he asked Handler. “It might be that cast-iron heart.”