In the horror movie The Virgin Sinners (originally titled The Color Rose), seven teenage girls at a private school dub themselves The Sins (as in the seven deadly sins). The leader Grace (“Lust”) announces that there is a traitor among them (Aubrey aka “Proud”) and says she must be punished. But when the girls’ prank goes horribly wrong, they face the wrath of Detective O’Ryan. Watch trailer below.
Detective O’Ryan is portrayed by actor Lochlyn Munro. He’s best known for his roles on Riverdale (Hal Cooper), and in movies including White Chicks (Agent Jake Harper), Scary Movie (Greg), and Unforgiven (Texas Slim), among many others.
That’s Lochlyn below working his third film with Bruce Willis.
Get ready to see more of Lochlyn: he stars as Detective Larry Fitzgibbon in the upcoming HBO Max, Suicide Squad spinoff series Peacemaker (based on the DC Comics character played by John Cena) which premieres on January 13, 2022. Watch trailer below!