The protagonist in the Lifetime movie Labor of Lies is first-time expectant mother Lara Collins (Gina Vitori). She’s initially happy to meet a “bump buddy” — a fellow pregnant woman — online. Alas, it turns out her new friend Jamie (Jenna Michno) is hiding a devastating secret from Lara and when Lara’s baby is stolen, the new mom must fight to get her baby back from the baby stealer.
When not on a movie set, actress Gina Vitori enjoys the great outdoors as seen in the stunning tiny bikini pic above. She modestly captioned it: “You know, at one point I wanted to be a model, but these lawnchair posing pics made me real glad I stuck with acting.” More than one fan replied: “Absolutely stunning!”
Labor of Lies premieres on Lifetime on Sunday, November 14 at 8 pm.