Actress Rashida Jones is known for her roles in TV series including Parks and Recreation and Angie Tribeca and movies including Sofia Coppola’s On the Rocks with Bill Murray, among many others. But when she shared the photo below, of her in character standing in a private jet hangar, her fans (and celebrity fans) went wild. She captioned it: “I miss my Joya lewks.”
Joya is the character Rashida played in the 2020 Netflix series #BlackAF. And now her fans and famous celebrity friends (Natalie Portman, Jonah Hill, et al) are chopping at the bit, wanting to know if/when she’s filming Season 2. Swipe the photo above to see Rashida/Joya rocking a Biggie Smalls t-shirt.
Created by black-ish‘s Kenya Barris, #BlackAF is about a father (Barris) who takes “an irreverent and honest approach to parenting and relationships.” Rashida plays his wife.