HBO is airing the TV drama series Beartown in the U.S. In the series premiere, viewers meet recently retired pro hockey player Peter Andersson (Ulf Stenberg) who relocates his family to his hometown, Beartown, where he’s asked to rejuvenate the struggling community’s ice hockey program.
The day of the national semi-final hockey match in Beartown, a violent act leaves a young girl (Miriam Ingrid) traumatized and the town in turmoil. (Everyone is rooting for the teenagers on the Beartown team to win and hoping the title will draw new businesses to the small forest town.)
The series Beartown (as known as Björnstad) is from Sweden; and based on the novel of the same titles by popular Swedish author Fredrik Backman. While the town is fictional, the series was filmed in several locations in northern Sweden including Norbotten.
Beartown airs Mondays at 10 pm on HBO.