There is scientific evidence that our eyes are naturally drawn to exposed skin before anything else in a photograph. It’s the same kind of instinct that happens in group photos, where the average human will spend at least twice as much time looking at herself or himself as they will looking at the others in the picture.
So for the first few seconds — scientifically at least — the photo below, despite the big wattage star power and Taylor Swift’s outrageously large suit jacket, is a photo of supermodel Gigi Hadid’s stomach. It just is. Even Taylor and Gigi know it!
Next things we notice are Taylor Swift’s red red lips, and Gigi Hadid’s perfectly symmetrical face, also confirmed by science, BTW. And all that attention is compelled by a mere still photo, without any movement at all. Since these are two world-class beautiful people, you don’t think you miss the kinetic energy — the movement — they might display.
But then you read Taylor Swift’s comment, and you sigh. Writing to her pall Gigi, TS says: “Honestly how are you real you INCREDIBLE soul plus your interpretive dancing at my shows is more epic than anything I’ll ever do on stage.” LESSON: Be on high alert for Gigi Hadid’s dancing. Very high alert. Until then, here’s more perfectly symmetrical face: