Sometime in life you compete, and sometimes you just throw up your hands and surrender. And when you do the surrender thing, it’s easy to just say “screw it” or — if you’re defeated by a particular thorn in your side — “Screw you!” That’s Khloe Kardashian‘s response to Kylie Jenner‘s ridiculous series of beyond gorgeous close-ups. Khloe just throws up her proverbial hands and says “Screw you!”
Look, who can blame her? The photos are so stunning — that face! — that people hardly even note that Kylie’s only wearing a bra. Kylie looks like this and she’s a billionaire? Not fair is a reasonable reaction!
Check the looks of other billionaires — we’re not saying Kylie is way more attractive than Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos, but you might! Khloe Kardashian, given her own pulchritude and business success, doesn’t very often have to say screw you to anybody. She’s probably unbothered by Gates. But Kylie really is just asking for it!
Hey, wait though. Maybe Kylie is just getting somebody back for absolutely stealing the show a few days ago? Could be!