The Instagram supermodel Pauline Tantot‘s last name sometimes comes out of stunned mouths not as “Tantot” — but as “Tantalize.” It’s a fair mistake — the tantalize business is what she’s in. And the tantalizing Tantot is really very, very good at it.
In the Laguna Beach picture below, Tantot stares at the camera with something like defiance — and those bikini bottoms that dominate the photo? Those bikini bottoms are just next level amazing.
Pauline wishes her followers “clarity, peace and serenity” with this photo — even as she clearly disturbs the peace of mind of anyone with eyes.
But clarity? We’ll take it. Serenity — we’ll live vicariously through her, thanks. “GORGEOUS, BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING” writes one fan speaking for the whole crowd. “Body goals” writes another. Yeah, good luck with that!
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