Marrying Millions is a new reality TV show on Lifetime that follows six millionaires and their girlfriends and potential spouses. The stars of the show are 61-year-old real estate millionaire Bill Hutchinson and his 21-year-old girlfriend Brianna Ramirez, a former restaurant hostess in Dallas, where they live. On the series premiere, “Can’t Buy My Love,” Bill and Brianna met for lunch where Bill tells her he has several social engagements scheduled and “I want you to come to everything.”
Brianna recently had fun with Bill at the music festival Kaaboo in the Cayman Islands with Sir Richard Branson. Hutchinson says he’s keeping Branson up to date on the Virgin Hotels in Dallas, a brand new hotel with 200 rooms and a rooftop terrace, which will open soon.
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Hutchinson says of the Virgin Hotels real estate deal: “I could not have found a more perfect hotel for the Design District and everything it offers to the City of Dallas than Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Hotels. It will be the heartbeat of the hottest entertainment district and the biggest jewel in our crown.”
Marrying Millions airs Wednesdays at 10 pm on Lifetime.