The Lifetime movie Tempting Fate is based on Jane Green’s New York Times best-selling novel of the same title. Alyssa Milano stars as the protagonist Gabby, an unhappily married mom of two who’s tempted by a sexy younger guy named Matt Shaw. After falling into temptation, Gabby admits that she regrets hurting the man she loves, her husband Elliott, but things get even more complicated when Gabby finds out she’s pregnant.
Milano promoted the film on Today with Hoda & Jenna and admitted that she has never taken an acting class so she really appreciated working with director Kim Raver, who plays Dr. Teddy Altman on Grey’s Anatomy.
[pictured: Million Reasons, streaming]
For one of the crying scenes, Milano says she was tapped out so Raver gave her earbuds and played Lady Gaga’s “Million Reasons.” According to Milano she “burst into tears immediately” and right in time for her closeup. Tempting Fate premieres on Lifetime on Saturday, June 15 at 8 pm.
Milano and Raver…