At the iHeartRadio awards ceremony in March, pop star and fashion icon Taylor Swift wore a pair of stunning strappy gold high heels with 3D butterflies projecting from the heels. They’re called “Chiara” sandals and they’re made by designer Sophia Webster. Swift, who won Best Tour of the Year award at the event for her Reputation Stadium Tour and Best Music Video of the Year (“Delicate”), let the shoes shine and showed a lot of leg wearing an iridescent sequins short-short romper.
[Sophia Webster’s Silver Chiara Metallic Mid Sandals]
[Swift wore a sequin romper like this one by bebe]
But Swift wasn’t the first pop star to wear those Sophia Webster Chiara sandals with wings. A week before Christmas, on December 18, 2018, Britney Spears showed off “butterfly shoes” on Instagram (see video below). She too decided to let the shoes shine — but with a simple white blouse and short-short khakis. The 37-year-old mother of two has a mere 21.7 million followers (Swift has massive 116 million) but the Spears butterfly shoes video has been viewed more than 9.3 million times (Swift’s butterfly shoe photo was liked 1.9 million times already).
(Note: Britney’s Piece of Me Tour was nominated at the 44th People’s Choice Awards but lost to Taylor Swift’s Reputation Stadium Tour.)