In the Lifetime movie “Christmas Around the Corner,” New York City venture capitalist Claire (Alexandra Breckenridge) spends the holidays in a quaint town in Vermont. There she befriends Mrs. Tumulty, the woman who runs the Fortenbury Bookstore. When Claire hears that Mrs. Tumulty’s nephew Andrew (Jamie Spilchuk) owns the store and plans to sell it after the new year, she tries to stop him…and falls in love with him simultaneously.
Mrs. Tumulty is portrayed by Jane Alexander. The native New Englander is known for her recent TV roles on The Good Fight and The Good Wife (Judge Suzanne Morris), and The Blacklist (Diane Fowler). As a film actress, Alexander has been nominated four times for Academy Awards: as Best Actress in a Leading Role (Testament, The Great White Hope — see link to movie above) and as Best Actress in a Supporting Role (the bookkeeper in All the President’s Men, single parent neighbor Margaret in Kramer vs. Kramer). Christmas Around the Corner premieres on Lifetime on Friday, December 14 at 8 pm. [More Lifetime movies streaming are always available.]
28 October, 1939, Jane Alexander (75) was born, she received 4 Oscar noms including one for Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)
— On This Day In Film (@onthisdayinfilm) October 28, 2014