In The Big Bang Theory episode “The Proton Regeneration,” Sheldon (Jim Parsons) wants the role of the new Professor Proton, his childhood hero originally played by actor Arthur Jeffries (who’s played by 88-year-old Bob Newhart). Sheldon realizes his acting could use some work. That’s why he knocks on Wil Wheaton’s door. Sheldon sets him up: “I need an acting coach,” Sheldon tells Wil. “Would you give me Patrick Stewart’s phone number?” (Patrick Stewart and Wil Wheaton famously worked together on Star Trek.)
Hilarity ensues as Sheldon and Wil go head-to-head for the role of Professor Proton. And yes, there is another guest appearance by Newhart as the spirit of Jeffries, who’s still dressed like the Star Wars legendary Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. It’s Newhart’s most fantastical role since Elf, really. The Big Bang Theory airs Thursdays at 8pm on CBS, right before the spin-off Young Sheldon.
What Wil Wheaton Learned Working With Patrick Stewart On The Set Of Star Trek:… #StarTrek
— RageBear (@TheRealRageBear) August 26, 2016