On the FOX TV series Second Chance, a billionaire named Otto Goodwin (Adhir Kalyan) and his bioengineer twin sister Mary Goodwin (Dilshad Vadsaria) bring a disgraced dead L.A. Sheriff, Jimmy Pritchard, back to life as a younger man and with some physical powers he’s never had. The big question is: Will the newer, younger, Jimmy change his ways? Will he try to right the wrong with his family?
[Who Is Old Jimmy Pritchard On ‘Second Chance’?]
Ray Pritchard is portrayed by Robert Kazinsky. Americans will recognize the Englishman for his roles on the TV shows True Blood (Macklyn Warlow) and Brothers & Sisters (Dr. Rick Appleton), and for his role as Randy in the 2015 film Hot Pursuit with Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara. Kazinsky will appear next on the big screen in the action/adventure, fantasy film Warcraft, based on the popular video game series. (Warcraft is directed by Duncan Jones, the late David Bowie’s son.) He’s playing Orgrim. Second Chance will premiere on January 13, 9pm on FOX.