Damone Rippy is the cute 17-year-old professional flyboarder on America’s Got Talent. Wearing a water jetpack attached to his feet, the young Texan wows audiences with his big tricks and flips over the water. He’s been in such great demand that he recently left Lake Travis High School in Austin, Texas, to be homeschooled so he can continue to compete. He just won the 2015 North American Flyboarding Championship in Louisiana. (He won last year’s too, in Toronto.)
[America’s Got Talent Judges Quiz — Who Said It?]
Entertainment Weekly says after Rippy’s first performance on AGT: “every girl in the audience under the age of 20 just Instagrammed his performance before standing in line to get his autograph.” But is that enough to advance on America’s Got Talent? We’ll find out. America’s Got Talent airs Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 8pm on NBC.