In Brad Bird’s film Tommorrowland, a former boy genius (George Clooney) teams up with a gifted teen (Britt Robertson) to unearth the secrets of “Tomorrowland,” a mysterious place caught between time and space. It sounds like an interesting premise. And it has a pro director/writer behind it in Bird, who’s best known for his animated work — The Simpsons, The Incredibles, Ratatouille. Most critics aren’t impressed with Bird’s work with humans.
A.O. Scott of The New York Times wrote: “What Tomorrowland isn’t is in any way convincing or enchanting.” He added, “Its enormous lapses in narrative and conceptual coherence — its blithe disregard for basic principles of science-fiction credibility — would be less irksome in the fantastical cosmos of animation. And it would look better, too.” Ouch. Matt Zoller Seitz at agreed to the awkward narrative but liked the aesthetics: “Brad Bird’s Tomorrowland articulates its messages rather awkwardly, but the filmmaking is superb, and it doesn’t feel like anything else.”