A video depicting actor Dennis Quaid having a meltdown on set has “leaked.” Some think it was the real Dennis Quaid having a meltdown, others think it’s a promo for his upcoming TV series The Art of More. For the series which will premiere in the winter on Crackle, Quaid plays “charismatic real estate shark Samuel Brukner, a Machiavellian master of money and power who’s one part charm and one part intimidation.” So the meltdown would have been right up Brukner’s alley.
We can’t help but think it was a prank. Quaid is a convincing actor and enjoys the occasional prank. Remember when he went on Ellen with a hidden camera? He walks into a coffee shop and announces that Dennis Quaid has arrived, and convinces the man behind the counter to sing “Day-O.” It’s worth another look (see video below).