The new TV drama on CBS, Scorpion, is loosely based on life of computer hacker Walter O’Brien played by Elyes Gabel (Game of Thrones). In the show, which premieres Monday, September 22 at 9 pm (EST), O’Brien recruits other geniuses – a mathematician, a mechanical engineer, and “a world class shrink” – and together they work as team with Homeland Security to help solve complex global problems, from casino security to military drone warfare.
In the first episode, the navigational software system at the Los Angeles airport goes down. 56 planes need to land but they have lost all contact with the control tower. If Walter’s team can’t fix the system, 20,000 people could die. While trying to save all those lives, Walter meets Paige, a waitress at a diner played by Katharine McPhee (Smash, American Idol). She wants to help. Together they jump in a brand new Ferrari — Scorpion director Justin Lin of Fast & Furious fame couldn’t help himself, or maybe that was a prerequisite for him — and drive onto the tarmac to help lead the hovering planes to safety.
Katharine McPhee filming the Ferrari v. Plane stunt on “Scorpion” on CBS, Instagram